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Christiana Care Health Services, Inc.

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Case Number: 04-RC-342224

Date Filed: 05/14/2024

Status: Closed

Location: Middletown, DE

Region Assigned: Region 04, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Tally Issued Date:06/27/2024


No. of Eligible Voters:492

Void Ballots:1

Total Ballots Counted:418

Challenged Ballots:13

Votes for Labor Union:288

Tally Type:Initial

Ballot Type:Single Labor Organization

Unit ID:A

Votes Against:130

Challenges Determinative:No

Reason Closed:Certific. of Representative

Labor Union:Doctors Council, SEIU Local 10MD

Voting Unit (Unit A):Included: All full-time, regular part-time and per diem* physicians employed by the Employer at the following facilities: Christiana Hospital, 4755 Olgetown Stanton Rd., Newark, DE Wilmington Hospital, 501 West 14th St. Wilmington, DE Union Hospital of Cecil County Inc., (Affinity Health Alliance Inc)106 Bow St., Elkton, MD Middletown Free-standing Emergency Department, 621 Middletown Odessa Rd., Middletown, DE *Also eligible to vote are all employees in the unit who have worked an average of four (4) hours or more per week during the 13 weeks immediately preceding the eligibility date for the election Excluded: All other employees, all other professional employees, podiatrists, contracted physicians (physicians employed by an organization other than Christiana Care Health Services to provide services at the Hospital), residents, fellows, confidential employees, managerial employees, guards and supervisors as defined in the Act. Others permitted to vote: The parties have agreed that physicians in the below classifications/group may vote in the election, but their ballots will be challenged since their eligibility has not been resolved. No decision has been made regarding whether the physicians in these classifications or group are included in, or excluded from, the bargaining unit. The eligibility or inclusion of these physicians will be resolved, if necessary, following the election: Breast Imagers Section Chief Flow Cytometry Section Chief of Autopsy Service Program Director for OB/GYN Union Hospital Associate Medical Director

Union to Certify:Doctors Council, SEIU Local 10MD

Docket Activity

Date sort ascending Document Issued/Filed By
07/08/2024 Certification of Representative NLRB - GC
06/27/2024 Tally of Ballots* NLRB - GC
06/03/2024 Stipulated Election Agreement* NLRB - GC
05/28/2024 Notice of Election NLRB - GC
05/28/2024 Stipulated Election Agreement* NLRB - GC
05/24/2024 RD Order* NLRB - GC
05/21/2024 RD Order to Reschedule Hearing* NLRB - GC
05/20/2024 RD Order to Reschedule Hearing* NLRB - GC
05/14/2024 Signed RC Petition* Petitioner

The Docket Activity list does not reflect all actions in this case.

* This document may require redactions before it can be viewed. To obtain a copy, please file a request through our FOIA Branch.

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Participant Address Phone
Additional Service
Cowan, Christopher
Christiana Care Health Services, Inc.
4000 Nexus Drive, Avenue North, Suite NW3-100
Wilmington, DE
Legal Representative
Cohen, Daniel
Ogletree Deakins Nash Smoak & Stewart, PLLC
34977 Woodward Avenue
Suite 300
Birmingham, MI
Legal Representative
Leonard, Patricia
Ogletree Deakins Nash Smoak & Stewart, PLLC
34977 Woodward Avenue
Suite 300
Birmingham,, MI
Doctors Council, SEIU Local 10MD
New York, NY
Christiana Care Health Services, Inc.
Middletown, DE

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