Findings of Inspection Report No. OIG-INS-11-00-09
Review of Handicap Access

 Regional Offices
Location: HQ2 4 7 13 29
Main Entrance
Is there an accessible route from public transportation to entrance? N NA Y NA Y Y
Do ramps have the proper slope and if necessary handrails? N NA NA NA NA NA
Are the doors >32" wide and take <5lbs of force to open? Y NA Y NA Y Y
Are knobs operable with one hand without grasping or twisting the wrist? Y NA Y NA Y Y
Are hallway call buttons centered at 42" from the floor? Y NA Y NA Y Y
Are there proper audible and visual signals for up and down? Y NA N NA Y N
Does the frame have a raised floor sign 60" from the floor that contrasts? Y NA N NA N N
Do the elevator control panel buttons contrast with the background? Y NA N NA Y N
Are the characters to the left of the buttons and raised 1/32 of an inch? Y NA N NA Y N
Is the main floor designated by a raised star? Y NA N NA Y Y
Are elevator control panel buttons no higher than 48" above the floor? Y NA Y NA N N
Is the car no less than 51"(length)×68"(width)×36"(doorway)? Y NA Y NA Y Y
Does the car have a vertical gap of 1/2" or less from the landing? Y NA Y NA Y Y
Does the car have a horizontal gap of 1 1/4" or less from the landing? Y NA N NA Y Y
Do the elevator doors open automatically when obstructed? Y NA Y NA Y Y
Do the elevator doors remain open for a minimum of three seconds? Y NA Y NA Y Y
Is there a two way communications system designated by a raised symbol? N NA N NA N N
Reception Area
Is the pathway from the elevators to the reception area accessible? NA Y Y NA Y Y
Are the doors >32" wide and take <5lbs of force to open? NA N Y Y N Y
Is there proper maneuvering space on both the push/pull sides of the doors? NA Y Y Y Y Y
Are knobs operable with one hand without grasping or twisting the wrist? NA Y Y N Y Y
Is the aisleway >36" and headroom > 80"? NA Y Y Y Y Y
If security counters are between 27" and 80" high, do they project less than 4? NA Y N Y N N
Are floor surfaces slip resistant, stable and firm? NA Y Y Y Y Y
Is signage lettering raised, the required size and on the latch side of the door? NA N NA N N N
Are there minimum access aisles between work surfaces of at least 36 inches? NA Y Y Y NA NA
Are work surfaces 27"(high)×30"(wide)×19"(deep)? NA NA N N NA NA
Are light switches between 15" and 54" (parallel approach) or 48" (front approach)? NA Y Y Y Y Y
Information Officer Room
Are the doors >32" wide and take <5lbs of force to open? NA Y Y Y Y Y
Is there proper maneuvering space on both the push and pull side of the doors? NA Y Y Y Y Y
Are knobs operable with one hand without grasping or twisting the wrist? NA N N N N N
Is the aisleway >36" and headroom >80"? NA Y Y Y Y Y
Are floor surfaces slip resistant, stable and firm? NA Y Y Y Y Y
Are light switches between 15" and 54" (parallel approach) or 48" (front approach)? NA Y Y N Y Y
Hearing Room
Are the doors >32" wide and take <5lbs of force to open? Y Y Y Y Y Y
Is there proper maneuvering space on both the push/pull sides of the doors? Y Y Y N N N
Are knobs operable with one hand without grasping or twisting the wrist? Y N Y N N Y
Do doors in a series swing in the same direction or away from the inner space? NA Y NA NA NA NA
Do gates meet all of the provisions for doors? Y NA NA NA N Y
Are required # of wheelchair spaces provided (if 50+ seating capacity)? N N NA N N N
Are floor surfaces slip resistant, stable and firm? Y Y Y Y Y Y
Are level changes of 1/2" or greater ramped? Y N N N N N
Is there an accessible route to witness box? Y N N N N N
Is there a portable or permanent listening system? N N N N N N
Do wall mounted objects between 27" and 80" project more than 4"? NA NA NA NA N NA